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May 15, 2019

The Do’s and Don’ts of Natural Hair

Jonell Sequira

Jonell Sequira

Please join us in a warm welcome to our very special guest blogger, hair, fashion and lifestyle YouTuber Jonell Sequira. With curls this gorgeous, we had to ask her for her natural hair secrets...

the do's and don'ts of natural hair

I’ve been taking care of my kinky-curly hair for about 6 years now, and like many of us, I had no clue what I was doing when I began my journey. There are quite a few things that I’ve learned along the way that I think can be applied to all of us—regardless of your hair texture.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Natural Hair

  • DO: Take Care Of Your Scalp
    Without a healthy scalp, it’s difficult to have healthy hair growth. You want to make sure that your scalp stays clean and free of build-up. Find a good, cleansing shampoo and lather up regularly!
  • DO: Protect Your Hair At Night
    Satin scarves and bonnets are your best friend! Pillowcases are usually made of cotton, which can cause dryness, breakage, and split ends—OH MY! Protect your hair at night so that you don’t lose all that moisture that you worked so hard to get. They even have silk/satin pillowcases that you can use if your bonnet always comes off at night.
  • DO: Keep Your Hair Moisturized At All Times
    Besides locking in the moisture after wash day, you should always try to keep your hair moisturized throughout the week. Personally, I re-moisturize every two or three days with a hydrating leave-in spray.
  • DO: Find The Style That Makes Your Life Easy
    Whether it’s a wash-n-go, twists, or a braid-out, find the style that lasts the longest and requires the least amount of maintenance. Twist-outs are my go-to because they last an entire week without me having to re-twist. Finding a good nighttime routine is key to making your style last.
  • DO: Trim Your Hair Regularly/When Necessary
    I can’t stress this enough! If you have dead or damaged ends…LET THEM GO! If not, your hair will grow but it won’t retain the length. I learned this the hard way and had to chop off 3 inches of hair because I hadn’t properly trimmed off my split ends in years.
  • DON’T: Neglect Your Hair
    I’m guilty of this—I know how hard it can be to keep up with your hair routine, especially if you’re busy all the time. If you’re approaching a time when you know you’ll be too busy to maintain your hair, opt for a protective style like Marley twist or braids. Even then, make sure to keep your hair moisturized underneath whatever protective style you choose.
  • DON’T: Constantly Use Heat
    Who doesn’t love a good blowout? It can be tempting to pick up that blow dryer or flat iron, and that is totally OK every once in a while. However, constant heat can cause irreparable damage and may cause your beautiful curls to go limp.
  • DON’T: Wear Too Many Tight Puffs Or Buns
    I love to wear pineapple puffs and low ponytails, but wearing them too often or too tight can cause breakage around the edges or nape area. If you’re going to rock that slick top knot bun, be sure to let it loose after a day or two to keep that hairline intact.
  • DON’T: Worry Too Much About Hair Type
    Knowing your hair type can be helpful when it comes to styling, but what is really important is learning your hair porosity. Hair porosity is your hair’s ability to absorb and retain moisture. Once you determine whether you have low, normal, or high porosity, it’ll be easier to figure out how to properly moisturize your hair.
  • DON’T: Get Discouraged
    It can be hard if you haven’t quite figured out what styles, routines, and products work for you. Sometimes what once worked for you no longer works. Sometimes we experience growth stunts, damage, or unexpected hair changes. Maybe you’re new to this whole thing and you’re transitioning from a relaxer. It can all be discouraging but don’t give up! You WILL find that holy grail product that gets the job done.

One key thing that I learned as a natural is that no one routine will work for everyone. There are some that still use Blue Magic grease and that works for them—and then there are others who refuse to use anything other than 100% natural products, and that’s OK too. At the end of the day, it all comes down to learning and loving your own hair.

Woman with shoulder length natural curly hair