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March 28, 2018

Real Life Madison Reed Review: Venezia Brown

Real Life Madison Reed Review: Venezia Brown

Image by Madison Reed

Venezia Brown Before and After

Actor, mom, and Madison Reed convert, Jennifer M., talks to us about confidence, feeling like herself, and being able to breathe while coloring her hair.

We know you have a lot of choices when it comes to coloring your hair. What made you choose Madison Reed?
I chose Madison Reed for the commitment to using no ammonia, parabens or any of that yucky stuff that make your eyes water when you color your hair at home. I was so over having to take breathing breaks and walk out of the bathroom when I was coloring, or banning my child from coming in the room for fear of frying brain cells. I'm also fairly certain that a burning scalp is a bad thing. Madison Reed is convenient and feels personalized in a way that you don't get when you shop for boxes at the market. I've never had to walk away just to breathe when using Madison Reed and I actually get, "gee, your hair smells nice" from the family, which is a lot better than the "Pee-ew!" that I got before.

How did you decide on your color, Venezia Brown, a natural dark brown with hints of gold? 
I took the online quiz to determine the best color, then picked the one out of the three suggested that looked most like my natural color. I like to stick pretty close to what nature gave me.

How does your hair color make you feel?
Funny enough, I feel authentic. I feel like me.

Prior to Madison Reed, had you colored your hair at home before?
Yes. I used boxes from the drug store and usually mixed and matched different brands when I felt like my color was getting too brassy or dull in some way. I've been using Madison Reed for a little over a year now and I have never felt like the color changes. I am just coloring to cover the gray, and not to correct a dull or fading color. In fact, every time I color now I feel like a new women and I always get compliments. Nice feeling. 

Any tips for someone trying Madison Reed for the first time? 
Use the color quiz on the website and go for it!

What makes you feel confident? 
Since we are talking hair, a good haircut and blow out does wonders. Hugs and kisses from my 6 year old aren't too bad either.

Do you love your gorgeous hair color as much as Jennifer loves hers? Tag, post and share the #MadisonReedColor love on Facebook, Instagram or below in the comments.