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February 01, 2017

Help–I Lost My Instructions

I lost my instructions to color my hair

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We’ve all been there–so excited to get gorgeous hair color, everything spread out on the bathroom counter, towel handy, timer set to start...until you realize you can’t find the instructions. It’s actually one of our most searched terms, “lost instructions,” so you’re not alone. The best place to find instructions specific to the color you ordered is in your order delivery email. But in case you can’t track that down, here it is, just for you (and you, and you, and you): a helpful link to our general instructions, plus a link to helpful video tutorials

As always, if you need any extra help, call our Color Crew at 1.888.550.9586, or visit to email or chat.

A few tips to help you color with total confidence...

We always recommend you do a sensitivity test before coloring your hair. At least 48 hours before, mix 1 part Radiant Cream Color (a small squeeze) with 1.5 parts Conditioning Color Activator (a few drops). Use a cotton swab to apply a quarter-sized amount to a small patch of skin behind your ear or inside your elbow. Keep dry. Wait 48 hours. If there is no sign of change to the area, then you’re ready to color.
Always consult your physician if you have questions or concerns.

We recommend doing a strand test if you are coloring your hair with this shade for the first time. This helps determine optimal timing and color results. You will need tape, scissors, and a timer.
Cut a ¼ inch wide strand from the darkest or grayest part of your hair close to the scalp, and tape at the cut end.
Using the remaining mixture from the Sensitivity Test, or another small mixture of 1 part Radiant Cream Color and 1.5 parts Conditioning Color Activator, completely cover the hair strand.
Start timing. After 15 minutes, check the strand. If the strand is not the color you want, return and check the color every few minutes for up to 35 minutes. To cover resistant gray, it may be necessary to leave the hair color on for up to 45 minutes. 

Wear a shirt or smock that buttons or zips up the front to make cleanup easy.
Begin with dry, unwashed hair. The day after your last shampoo is best for coloring. Make sure hair is free of styling products as they coat hair and may block the color.
The processing time ranges from 35 minutes to 65 minutes depending on the application that is right for you, so call your mom, your sister, a friend to chat away the time, or get comfy with a good book, because...

Now you’re ready to color your way to gorgeous, healthy-looking hair.